first year english notes of chapter 1 'Pakistan Zindabad'


                  " Pakistan Zindabad"

                         (Questions and Answers)

 Q:1: what was the first Governer-General o f Pakistan?
Ans: Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali was the first Governer-General of Pakistan.

Q:2; who was the last viccriy of the India?
Ans: lord mountbatten was the last viccroy of India.He was sent to India in march 1947.

Q:3; when and where was the Pakistan resolution passed?
Ans; the Pakistan resolution was passed on March23.1940 at Lahore in meeting of the all India Muslim league.

Q:3: state briefly what the Pakistsan resolutin decided?
Ans; the Pakistan resolution decided that India should be split into two states, Pakistan and India. they also decided not to accept any plan for India which failed to give Muslims an indepandent state in those parts of India where they were in majority.

Q:5: what were provinces that voted to join Pakistan?
Ans: Sindh the north west frontier provinces.Balochistan west punjab and east Bengal voted for Pakistan and part of the new state.

Q:6: why did Kashmir not joined Pakistan?
Ans: the India Maharaja of Kashmir was won over by Nehru. the Indiam prime Minister and he joined India.  thus he took his Muslim subjects away from Pakistan. the natin to which they surely wanted to belng.

Q:7: How large was the population of Pakistan when it become independent?
Ans: the population of Pakistan was about seventy million and forty million Muslims were left in India when it become independent in  1947.

Q;8: How does Pakistan compsre in size and populatin with nations of world?
Ans: At the time of its creation Pakiistan was the biggest Muslim and fifth largest nation of the world.

Q:9: why does auther apply the word "terrible" to first year of Pakistan's  history as an indepemdent state?
Ans: when the country was devide, millions of people crossed the borders. About 6.5 million Muslimleft Bharat and came to Pakistan where 5.5 million non-Muslims left Pakistan for India.the sight of these homeless people moved every body to tears. Angry crowds of people well about murdering loting and burning and about half a million Muslims were killed. all this killing and destruction was very shouking. that why writer applies the "word" terrible.


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