First year english notes of chapter 8 'The wolves of cernogratz'
"The Wolves of Cernogratz"
(Questions and Answers)
Q:1: What did conrad ask his sister?
Ans: Conrad asked his sister if there were
Any legends attached on the castle of
Cernogratz which had been puchased
By them recently.
Q:2: what did the Barones think about the
The legends?
Ans: The Baroness told that was always a legend with old houses. In the case too
There was a story that when any one
Died in the castle all the dogs in the
Village and all the beats in the forest
Howled violently.
Q:3: What was the real story?
Ans: The real story was that when a member of the cernogratz family was
About to die ib their family castle all
The wolves howled violently. And in
Respones all the dogs of the village started to bark at the same time a tree
In park also tell with crash. This story
Was told by the old lady.
Q:4: At what precise moment would the
Tree fall?
Ans: The tree in the park fell exactly at the
Moment when a member of Cernograt
Family breathed his last.
Q:5: How did the old governess know the
Real story?
Ans: The governess knew the real story reg-
arding the castle for she herself came
Of the same family.
Q:6: Why were the Baron and Baroness ang-
ry with Amalia?
Ans: The Baron and Baroness became angry
With Amalia .the old lady because the-
y believed that she was telling a lie.
And also because they thought it an in
Just that Amalia should talk like that
On their table.
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