first year english notes of chapter 2 'Birkenhead Drill'


                   BirkenHead Drill

                           (Questions and Answers)

Q:1: when and where did the Birkenhead sink?
Ans: the Birken head sank near the cape town in south Africa, on 25th February 1851.

Q:2: what kind of people are being carried as passengers on the Briken head?
Ans: The Birken head was a troopship. it was carrying soldiers and their families t Suth Africa.
 there were six hundred and thirty people on board ship. of these one hundred and seventy were women   and children.

Q:3: how did the Birken head come to be wrecked, was any member of the crew to blame?
Ans: The Birken head struck against a hidden rock lying there unknown and undiscverd. it had not been exposed in any  map of the sea. thus no member of crew was to blame for the ship wreck.

Q:4: why was ther life boat accommodation for only 180 people after the collision of ship with the rock?
Ans: when the ship struck against the rock most of the life boat were of order. only three of these boats were in useful condition. there could accommodate 180 beings.


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